Current Happenings ... News of Interest
10 Things You Need to Know About Pope Francis' Laudato Si
Environmental Migrants - the effect of climate change on migration
This 'Season of Creation' demands attention to environmental racism: National Catholic Reporter
Season of Creation 2020: Jubilee for the Earth: Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Rosary Meditations for Creation – Laudato Si Revolution
Pope Francis Announces Special Year of Laudato Si’ - Zenit, 5.24.20
"Vatican office invites church on journey to 'total sustainability' in next decade" - Earthbeat, 5.17.20
Read online or download the pdf version of Laudato Si' here. Or, read this summary of Laudato Si' - Catholic Climate Covenant
“In today’s celebration of Earth Day,” the Pope says, “we are called to renew our sense of sacred respect for the earth, for it is not just our home but also God’s home." Zenit, 4.22.20
Integral ecology requires a larger 'seamless garment', Fr. Daniel Horan,
'Querida Amazonia' provides reflection on ecological sin, Earthbeat, 2.14.20
In 'Querida Amazonia', Francis defends vital ecosystem with stern indictment of its defilers - Earthbeat, 2.12.20
"Georgetown cites ‘global environmental challenges’ as it divests from fossil fuels" - Crux, 2.11.20
How can parishes reduce plastic waste? Earthbeat, 1.10.2020
"To fight hunger, fight climate change, Catholic charity expert says" - Crux, 12.29.19
COP25: Interview with Tomas Insua, Director of the Global Catholic Climate Movement - Zenit, 12.6.19
"Theologians praise suggestion to add ‘ecological sins’ to Catholic catechism" - Crux, 11.20.19
Catholics call Trump's move from Paris climate deal 'unconscionable' - EarthBeat, 11.5.19
Synod on the Amazon - Oct. 6-27 See this site for more information
Saving Amazon rainforest requires change in Western lifestyles, say synod bishops - Earthbeat, 10.23.19
"Amazon bishops pledge poverty, spurning plastics and taking the bus" - Crux, 10.20.19
“Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology” Preparatory Document for Amazon Synod
Did you know that St. Francis of Assisi is the Patron of Ecology, as well as animals?
Additional Reading
Other News
To save the planet, we need faith, ethics, science and economics - National Catholic Reporter 9.26.19
As climate effects hit coffee crops, Guatemalan farmers become migrants - National Catholic Reporter 9.20.19
IT’S TIME TO STRIKE WHILE THE PLANET IS HOT. Global Climate Strike | September 20, 2019 - Ignatian Solidarity Network
Indigenous leader says ‘Brother Francis’ risking his life for the Amazon - Crux, 9.17.19
Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation - Zenit, 9.1.19
​Pope Francis issues new call for world leaders to act on the climate emergency - America Magazine online, 9.1.19
"Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, toward forms of clean energy," Pope Francis said as he marked the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. "We have caused a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself, including our own," the pope said in his message for the Sept. 1 ecumenical day of prayer. Francis urged Catholics to find a naturally beautiful place and think about how God created the universe and declared it good; then he created human beings and gave them creation "as a precious gift" to safeguard. National Catholic Reporter, 9.3.19
Amazon "Lung of the World" - “We urge the governments of the Amazon region, in particular Brazil and Bolivia, the United Nations, and the international community to take serious measures to save the lung of the world. What happens in the Amazon is not a local matter, but has global reach. If the Amazon suffers, the world suffers,” are the words of the appeal launched by the executive of CELAM, the coordinating body of Latin American bishops’ conferences (CELAM) and reported by Fides News Agency. Zenit, 8.23.19
At the bottom of a glacier in Greenland, climate scientists find troubling signs - CNN 8.20.19
"CLIMATE CHANGE: 11 FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW" - Conservation International
'People are dying': how the climate crisis has sparked an exodus to the US -, 7.29.19