An ACTION ALERT is an immediate opportunity to voice your Catholic belief on relevant socio-political issues involving life & justice...usually initiated by Catholic or Christian based agencies.
Listed below are websites where you can find information and/or sign-up to receive email or text alerts when local, state, or national legislation is being enacted relative to various social justice issues.
Our nation's tradition of pluralism is enhanced, not threatened, when religious groups and people of faith bring their convictions and concerns into public life. Indeed, our Church's teaching is in accord with the foundational values that have shaped our nation's history: "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship - Part I, #11 - The U.S. Bishops’ Reflection on Catholic Teaching and Political Life
ACTION ALERT - Stop your tax dollars from paying for abortion. Use this form to contact Congress.
ACTION ALERT - Tell HHS to Keep Abortion out of Family Planning Program. Submit your comments here.
ACTION ALERT - Take action at the Catholic Mobilizing Network to stop 3 federal executions scheduled:
Corey Johnson – January 14, 2021
Dustin Higgs – January 15, 2021
Blaine Milam – January 21, 2021
ACTION ALERT - Tell President-Elect Joe Biden to end the federal death penalty. Sign the letter to be send to President-Elect Biden.
ACTION ALERT - You can help lead the way to a solution that helps children overseas not only to survive but thrive. How? By urging your Representative to support the Global Child Thrive Act (H.R. 4864). The Global Child Thrive Act (H.R. 4864) will mandate integrating Early Childhood Development activities into U.S. government-funded international programming for children.
ACTION ALERT - Protect DACA recipients - Sign letter to be sent to Senators. Ignatian Solidarity Network
ACTION ALERT - If you haven't already done so, please express your opposition to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement by signing this action alert in support of a Senate bill (S. 1743) requiring the Administration to draw up a plan to meet the nation's commitments to the Paris Agreement. Please share this action alert with your family and friends.
ACTION ALERT - Death Penalty - Rodney Reed has maintained his innocence for 21 years. Now, he is set to be executed on Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Take action to oppose this execution.
For more information see Death Penalty - Current Happenings - video​
NEWS ALERT: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals blocked the execution of Rodney Reed Friday, allowing a lower court to consider Reed's claim that the ,state presented false testimony and that he is innocent. CNN, 11.15.19
ACTION ALERT - "In less than a month, the federal government plans to conduct its first execution since 2003. Another three executions are slated to follow within five weeks after that. Now is the time to take action." Sign the petition.
ACTION ALERT - Speak out against the death penalty - Ignation Solidarity Network
Multiple Life and Justice Issues:
Action Alerts from the United States Catholic Conference
Catholic Charities USA Advocacy Center
Catholic Relief Services Advocacy Alerts
Life Issues: Abortion, Assisted Suicide, Death Penalty:
National and Global Poverty and Justice Issues:
Action Alerts from Catholics Confront Global Poverty Center
Immigration and Refugee Issues:
Action Alerts From Justice For Immigrants
Care for the Environment Issues:
Action Alerts From Catholic Climate Covenant
Death Penalty and Restorative Justice: