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What Can I Do?





As follow-up to the Racial Justice Panel Discussions (Racial Justice I and Racial Justice II), sponsored by the Life and Justice Ministry of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, here are two suggestions for ways that  St. Charles parishioners (and others) might DO something  to promote Racial Justice.


JOIN A ZOOM DISCUSSION GROUP  - to continue the conversation, share stories, and learn more about Catholic Social Justice as it relates to racial justice.

Send your contact information, as well as best availability for a Zoom discussion (morning, afternoon, evening – weekdays or weekends) to scblifeandjustice@gmail.comOnce this information is collected, options for the meetings will then be made available.


READ, VIEW, REFLECT on some or all of the following resources.




Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, United States Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter Against Racism - 11.25.18

Open Wide Our Hearts Study-Guide, USCCB

Examining Our Subconscious Perceptions, USCCB


Brothers and Sisters to Us, Earlier U.S. Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Racism  (Selected quotes) - 1979

Archbishop Lori: How church teaching can help explain why ‘Black Lives Matter' 




13th - A stirring and informative documentary on the disturbing systematic criminalization of black people in the United States, from the periods of slavery to civil rights .... Available on NETFLIX.

JUST MERCY - A powerful and thought-provoking true story, “Just Mercy” follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson (Jordan) and his history-making battle for justice. Available on AMAZON.

RACE, The Power of an Illusion - The three-part documentary series asks a question so basic it’s rarely raised: What is this thing called ‘race’?

Law and Racial Justice - Panel Discussion (approximately 60 minutes -Start at 5.36 min) University of Pittsburg Center for Racial and Social Problems

How the church can combat racism and white privilege | Behind the Story – Discussion with Fr. Bryan Massingale. S.J. – (25 minutes) America Media

A Conversation with Vanessa Williams with Fr. Matt Malone, S.J. (30 minutes) - America Media

George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper (18 minutes) The Daily Social Distancing Show with Trevor Noah

Racism in Our Streets and Structures Panel Discussion: A Test of Faith, A Crisis for our Nation with Archbishop Gregory, Gloria Purvis, Ralph McCloud, and Prof. Marcia – (75 minutes) Georgetown University

Systemic Racism Explained – 4 min. video
Racism Is Real • Systematic Racism Explained • Black Lives Matter  3 min video
How Structural Racism Works -  
One-hour video 

Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo – 20 minute video 

Know Justice, Know Peace: A Jesuit Antiracism Retreat, - 5 minute video.  The Jesuit Post - “Know Justice, Know Peace” is a four-week retreat hosted by The Jesuit Post that seeks to assist Christians in their growth as antiracist followers of Jesus. It will consist of twelve short talks published in the form of videos and podcasts on TJP’s media platforms. We hope these talks will be accompanied by inner self-reflection and prayer by those who wish to follow along. The following are just some of the 12 videos. The rest of the videos may be found here.

Talk 1: Racism and White Supremacy | Know Justice, Know Peace: (10 minutes)

Talk 2 - "Mundane Racism" | Know Justice, Know Peace: (9 minutes)

Talk 3 - "Racism as Man-Made Evil" | Know Justice, Know Peace: (10 minutes)

What are structural, institutional and systemic racism? (3 minutes) - ABC 7 - Bay Area

Racism has a cost for everyone | Heather C. McGhee (14 minutes) Ted Talk


Racism, Inclusion, and Diversity - Notable Quotations, Catholic Charities

Pope Francis prays for U.S., calls racism a pro-life issue,  Catholic Star Herald

‘How long, O Lord’? Psalm 13 is the cry of Black Americans, America Magazine
White People, Let’s do our homework, National Catholic Reporter

The Assumptions of White Privilege and What We Can Do About It, Bryan Massingale, S.J., National Catholic Reporter

Killing of George Floyd exposes blind spot on racism, Catholic advocates say, Crux

El Paso's Bishop Mark Seitz: Black lives matterNational Catholic Reporter
'Am I racist?' You may not like the answer,
An Open Letter to My Fellow White Americans, Matt Malone, S.J., America Magazine
Black in America: I am tiredNational Catholic Reporter

If you don’t believe systemic racism is real, explain these statistics - Washington Post 

What is systemic racism? Here's what it means and how you can help dismantle it, USA Today 

7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism Is Real - Ben & Jerry Website

The Gift of Blackness to the Church: An Interview with EWTN’s Gloria Purvis, Church Life Journal, Notre Dame University

​Statement of US Bishops’ President on George Floyd and Protests in American Cities - USCCB

‘Racism Is Not Thing of The Past’ – US Bishops Respond To George Floyd Killing - Catholic News Agency



Racial Justice and the Catholic Church, Bryan Massingale, S.J.

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About RacismRobin DiAngelo

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations About Race 
by Beverly Daniel Tatum  



Racial Justice Commission - Diocese of Camden

Black Catholic Ministry - Diocese of Camden


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